Ever since he started growing plants, Peter has tried to understand what it is that makes a plant establish in the specific place where it occurs in the wild, and then translating it to garden conditions. He has travelled to numerous places with climates similar to Sweden to see how plants grow in their natural environment. The trips, combined with great curiosity and own growing experiences, have given him an unusual understanding of what plants want – no matter how specific their needs are. Peter uses this knowledge in his landscape and garden design with great success and gives regular lectures on growing conditions, creating habitats and naturalistic plantings. Nature is always his greatest source of inspiration.
Peter is one of the founders of the Urban Growth conference.
7 September at 11.15
High diversity plantings
With inspiration from the wild it´s possible to create low maintenance plantings with high diversity, in almost any environment. Plantings that don´t need irrigation, but have high ornamental values with continuous flowering through the seasons and beautiful winter values. Plantings that are important for biodiversity and can stand or even benefit from a more extreme future climate.
In my talk, I will show some examples and talk about the thoughs, behind some of my public plantings, as well as from Klinta Trädgård; our private garden and nursery.
What factors affect a planting and how is it possible to to turn the most problematic conditions to an excellent startingpoint? How to read an area, take advantage of the different factors and create possibilities for plants to thrive. How to make sustainable plantings with high plant diversity. Hot dry places in cities can be transformed to important environments for biodiversity. But in urban areas were many people live, the function and the aesthetic values are as or even more important. It´s also possible to combine all of this with stormwater management and other challenges. Maintenance is always the key factor to succes. A planting should solve problems, not create them.