Gothenburg, Sweden
1979-2000: Worked at Gothenburg Botanical Garden
Collecting tours for seeds and plants: New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, China, Europe.
From 2000: Runs Holmberg & Strindberg Garden Consultants, together with my husband Ulf Strindberg.
What we do: Planting design, lead the planting sessions, give advice, lectures and practical courses. And check the plantings yearly together with the maintenance staff.
Our customers: Housing companies, town and cities. Or more true, the people living there.
8 September at 11.30
“Same, same, but different” – LUSH PERENNIAL PLANTINGS
We all have the same goal – attractive plantings that require as little maintenance as possible.
There are different ways to get there. I will tell you about our experiences from the last 20 years at the west coast of Sweden.
How we introduced perennials in residential areas. Not only in perennial borders, but also as undergrowth and edging plants, together with flowering trees, shrubs and bulbs.
Are there completely maintenance-free diversified perennial plantings? I doubt it…
Luckily, we have created a way to save time for you – the 14-minutes method.