Fruita, CO, USA
Known as “the crevice garden guy,” he is currently exploring the full breadth of possibilities of rock garden design by trying new things in public and private gardens, across the US and overseas. He has built dozens of these rock gardens from back patios to public parks. He’s authoring a book on the subject in hopes to permanently empower the gardening world with this beautiful, versatile and powerful plant growing system so that any plant collection can include saxatile plants. At home, he is a slave to native plant work in his water-scarce region by making unirrigated native gardens and meadows. An unrestrained plant whore, he hunts seed from his home desert-steppe in Western Colorado to that of Turkey, growing them in his own backyard nursery to supply his projects. He shares everything he learns on his blog.
8 September at 14.30
Hardy Succulents: Beyond the Sea of Sedum
Succulents deserve some attention beyond the interior design fad. This is a program looking at a variety of hardy cactus and succulent species, for whom -15 or -20 C is not a problem, as well as species that prosper in European climates. We’ll also look broadly at their homelands and stories as well as see how they can be used.
9 September at 9.15
The Modern Crevice Garden
Crevice gardens are evolving beyond being a strange rock garden novelty to being understood as the best way to grow certain plants, which is of great interest to collection-driven public gardens and hobbyist plant nerds. Recent developments have not only stretched the growable plant
palette in virtually any climate, but show us how varied designs and materials allow crevicegardens to provide ecological services while solving site problems at the same time. Their sheer variety ensures there is a crevice garden too, for any taste.