My passion is the history and culture of landscape, the relationship of humans and nature in the past, present and future. Having worked in my own practice with my partner James Basson for 25 years creating mostly, dry sustainable gardens I have been lucky enough to travel the world making show gardens and international projects that have intrigued me to see how different cultures interact differently to gardens. I am not particularly interested in plants themselves but more in how they work together in a garden to create an atmosphere, a story or a place that their users can relate to.
7 September at 14.15
End user experience – designing for people not plants
Sites present difficulties to a designer. Traditionally we concentrate on the physical restrictions of a site; climate, aspect, levels, drainage and so on, but it is important to equally consider the intellectual difficulties of the site – what is the history, the culture, the local population of the site. In incorporating this into our designs we can encourage the end user to really take ownership,ensuring the longevity of the garden. This can range from a large community space or park to a small intimate private garden.
Looking at being careful not to over-design, rather to work with nature to tell a multi-layered rich story. The concept behind the concept.