Klinta Trädgård

Klinta Trädgård AB (eng. ”Klinta Garden”) was founded by us, Peter Korn and Julia Andersson, when we took over the location of former herb & vegetable nursery Klinta Kryddor & Grönt in the autumn of 2015.
Julia has a degree in Landscape Planning from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and Peter is an autodidact plantsman. We both have extensive experience in the fields of horticulture and landscape design.

Peter Korn, Julia Andersson, Emelie Lind & Jonathan Bloch.
Photograph: Christina Fryle
In our daily work at Klinta Trädgård AB we design, consult and build perennial plantings in public and private spaces. We both teach at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Alnarp. We also run a small nursery business that keeps us supplied with plants for our projects as well as our favourite otherwise-hard-to-get perennials. Jonathan Bloch Lynbech is our employee since 2018, and has the nursery and plant propagation as his main responsibilities. Emelie Lind is our employee since 2021.
Our aim is to create a garden at Klinta inspired by our favourite gardens of Great Dixter and many others; creating different rooms and filling them with perennial plantings in abundance. This will take a few years to accomplish, so until then we will keep our garden to ourselves.
Our vision for the future however, is to make Klinta into a meeting place thatconnects people in the field of horticulture with landscape architects, universities, ecologists and other people with great expertise and insight into the interaction between humans, nature, garden and landscape. With the aim to help implementing sustainable and beautiful environments in public and private green spaces.As a part of this work, we arrange seminars, courses and conferences, in order to make people meet, exchange knowledge and to make the building of new networks possible.
Urban Growth – Perennial Plantings Beyond Natureis our second conference of this kind. The first was in 2017. We hope that also this time, it will lead to many new collaborations nationally and internationally.